Thursday, January 30, 2014

PCSD staff collaborating around Instructional Technology

Staff spent two hours at last Friday's inservice collaborating around instructional technology.  Some planned lessons that integrated technology, others explored technologies they learned earlier in the day, while others
met with colleagues to discuss apps, personal learning networks, or district technologies.

See them in action!  Check out the creativeness of our staff...

Or, click here to see all the pictures in album

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Learn, Play, Do, Take Care of You- District Inservice

Looking forward to spending the day learning and growing with all PCSD staff!

Overview of the day for teaching staff:
7:30 – 8:15       Edcamp Discussions  
8:25 -- 8:50     All Staff Gathering, PHS Auditorium
9:00 -- 10:00 Technology Session
10:15 -- 11:15 Technology Session
11:15- 12:00     District Lunch, PHS Commons
*Chat with Local community fitness/wellness experts

12:00 -- 2:00     Collaborative Learning
Go anywhere, just complete the following:  Snap a photo of your group- include names of group, location, and outcome of discussion, plan, lesson, etc.  Email picture to  Type Pulaski in the subject line and send as medium size (you will be prompted for this).

2:15- 3:30 Wellness Event

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Model Classroom PD

I'm so excited to be working with a very talented, dedicated and innovative group of staff!  Three times a year the Pulaski Model Classroom teachers meet for PD to improve their craft of teaching with technology.  Discussions center around instructional practices, how kids today learn, what kids today need from their education, and developing a toolbox of resources to meet their needs.

We are meeting for the day at NWTC in their awesome innovation lab.  Thanks NWTC for allowing us to use this highly productive and collaborative classroom.

Here's a breakdown of our day:
1.  Fishbowl Discussions/Sharing:  "I'm excited about" and "I'm growing in my profession because of the availability of technology in these ways."

2.  4 C’s in PCSD:  Showcase your Students: Share an example of student work showcasing an app or site that allowed students to use technology for collaboration, creation, critical thinking and/or to
engage with content.

3.  Discussion:  "How do students learn and what do they need from us today?"

Technology Leaders Mashup with Backchannel Discussion:

SAMR Model Discussion and Activities    Graphic  Video   Video Transcript   Activities

4.  The Best of our PD Time:
Teach Me Something I Don’t Know!
I Never Have the Time For This!- Personalized Professional Growth
Powerful Minds