Sunday, December 8, 2013

SLATE- Here I come!

I'm looking forward to being a part of the WI DPI Leadership and Digital Learning PLC tomorrow at a SLATE pre-conference session! Excited for the opportunity to network with others about teaching and learning. During breakout team time, I've been asked to network with others and share my experiences with library transformation, embedded professional development, and instructional transformation. I've really been reflecting on what to share. There is so much that goes into each one: pedagogical beliefs, scaffolded implementation and professional development, building relationships with staff, and intertwining all district initiatives.

 I've settled on sharing a few initiatives that I believe helped to move Pulaski School District forward in meeting the needs of today's learners!

1. Refocus Discussions
Instead of talking about and preparing staff to utilize technology in their teaching, the discussions changed to what students need for their education to be successful in today's world.   It is extremely important that along with this district and building initiatives and that technology is modeled and integrated with all learning initiatives and business efficiency.

2.  Create a model of vision
Six model classrooms were created throughout the district to put our vision into action.  These classrooms provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively with others, brainstorm new ideas, think through problems to find solutions, and be creative and innovative. These classrooms have not only been a model for student learning, but they have also given us multiple classroom environments to try out a variety software, apps and devices to see which are most beneficial for grade level and content needs.  Most importantly, these staff have helped to pave the way for other staff, offered much professional development and provided a real live arena for observation and learning.

3.  Personalize and Innovate through Professional Development
With limited professional development time and many educational initiatives increasing the need for training and time, being creative and offering quality professional development is a must.  Together, district learning leaders, have offered a variety of personalized, innovative professional development.

Examples of pd:

4.  Rethink Staffing
Through Informational Technology Standards revision and CCSS implementation, our Library Media Specialists (LMS) have evolved to co-teachers, staff trainers, and leaders of innovation.  The roles of LMS and Library Aide were revised as well as scheduling of the library to allow for improved support.

Across our middle and high school, Library Media and Learning Support staff where restructured to a Teaching Learning Technology Team.  Together, they learn, grow and support staff in co-teaching, resources sharing, instructional design and CCSS implementation.

At the district level, technology and curriculum staff are housed in the same building with leadership participating in frequent and ongoing collaboration between technology and curriculum.  In addition, all our Principals are learning leaders whose knowledge of and passion for learning and students lead our students to success!

5. Rethink Spaces 
Our Library Media Specialist Team/ Integration Support Team has been discussing the transformation of not only a library's function, but also it's resources, programs, and space. Our team has transitioned the space over the course of a few years to...

  • build a virtual collection (ebooks, audio books, interactive sites), 
  • circulate mobile devices (Chromebooks, iPads and laptops), 
  • redesign to offer a multitude of learning spaces for individual, small group and whole class spaces,
  • be open after school hours
  • rename our spaces- The Hub
Here's a lipdub showcasing all the services and programs libraries offer students today! Our LMS team created this to showcase a student's journey through our K-12 libraries where they are engaged with resources, technologies, and many learning opportunities!

6.  Share:  Happenings, Experiences and Research
Our buildings do an excellent job of communicating information and sharing district, building and classroom happenings through social media.  Blogs are used to communicate what a traditional newletter would; Twitter feeds provide a glimpse into our classrooms; and Facebook pages allows for our community to connect.

Check out our district's social media directory

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