Friday, February 27, 2015

ADE's Rocked Our World!

I want to give a personal thank you to the following Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE's) from around the country!  These amazing educators did a hangout with staff in Pulaski Community School District to share how learning has been transformed in the their classrooms with iPads as well as allowed time for our staff to ask honest, relevant questions.

Kristen Wideen, Eastwood Elementary School, Ontario, Canada 

Kristi Meeuwse, Drayton Hall Elementary School, Charleston, South Carolina

Anthony DiLaura, Zeeland East High School, Zeeland, Michigan

Julie Garcia, San Diego iMiddle School, San Diego, CA

Lisa Johnson , Eanes Independent School District - Austin, TX

As we are on the heals of a possible 1:1 iPad initiative, this discussion helped us get more excited about the initiative and learn about all the possibilities.  The ADE's enthusiasm was infectious and honest answers were comforting.  Thank you!

After the conversation, staff read one iBook from the  One Best Thing collection written by ADEs.  Staff in small groups then participated in a gallery walk discussion of questions related to the transformation heard about from the ADE or read in the iBook.

Thanks to Clay Reisler, @recessduty, for organizing these awesome speakers!  For more information on the Pulaski Community School District Raidercamp Inservice, click here or visit Twitter #raidercamp.

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